Barium‐induced alterations in fast excitatory postsynaptic currents (e.p.s.cs) have been studied in voltage‐clamped bullfrog sympathetic ganglion B cells.
In the presence of 2–8 mm barium, e.p.s.c. decay was prolonged and in many cells the e.p.s.c. decay phase deviated from a single exponential function. The decay phase in these cases was more accurately described as the sum of two exponential functions. The frequency of occurrence of a complex decay increased both with increasing barium concentration and with hyperpolarization.
Miniature e.p.s.c. decay also was prolonged in barium‐treated cells.
E.p.s.c. amplitude was not markedly affected by barium (2–8 mm) in cells voltage‐clamped to — 50 mV whereas at — 90 mV there was a progressive increase in peak size with increasing barium concentration.
In control cells the e.p.s.c.‐voltage relationship was linear between −20 and −100 mV; however, this relationship became progressively non‐linear with membrane hyperpolarization in barium‐treated cells. The e.p.s.c. reversal potential was shifted to a more negative value in the presence of barium.
There was a voltage‐dependent increase in charge movement during the e.p.s.c. in barium‐treated cells which was not present in control cells.
We conclude that the voltage‐dependent alteration in e.p.s.c. decay time course, peak amplitude and charge movement in barium‐treated cells is due to a direct postsynaptic action of barium on the kinetics of receptor‐channel gating in postganglionic sympathetic neurones.