T. RAMANJAPPA and E. RAJAGOPAL. Can. J. Chem. 66. 371 (1988). The temperature dependance of adiabatic compressibility minimum (TACM), sound velocity maximum (TSVM), and specific acoustic impedance (TSAIM) of water-cyclohexanone mixture has been studied by experimentally determining the sound velocity in and density of aqueous solution at different concentrations over a temperature range 36-77°C. The structural contribution to the shift in TACM, TSVM, and TSAIM has been evaluated. The shifts are negative and increase with concentration. The results indicate that cyclohexanone behaves as a structure breaker at higher temperature.T. RAMANJAPPA et E. RAJAGOPAL. Can. J. Chem. 66, 371 (1988).OpCrant h des tempkratures allant de 36 a 77"C, on a mesurk les densitCs et les vitesses du son dans des solutions aqueuses, h diverses concentrations de cyclohexanone; on en a dCduit la relation qui existe entre la tempirature et la compressibilitk adiabatique minimale (TCAM), la vClocitt maximale du son (TCMS) et 1'impCdance acoustique specifique (TIMAS). On a CvaluC le contribution de la structure au diplacement dans la TCAM, la TCMS et la TIMAS. Les dkplacements sont nCgatifs et ils augmentent avec la concentration. Les rksultats indiquent que, a des tempkratures Clevees, la cyclohexanone se comporte comme une substance qui brise les structures.[Traduit par la revue]Literature survey indicates that the thermodynamic behaviour of the system water-cyclohexanone has not been extensively studied but for a few measurements on excess heats of mixing and excess volumes of mixing (1, 2). Both the excess heats of mixing and excess volumes of mixing for this system have been found to be negative (AH = -5365 cal mol-' and AV = -4.5 mL mol-I). The magnitude and sign of AH and AV for this system fall in line with alcohols and amines (2). In general the contraction has been explained by the strong cohesive nature of water molecules. The behaviour of excess heats of mixing of this solute with water may be attributed to the formation of icebergs like alcohols and amines. However, no authentic evidence exists regarding the structural interaction of this solute with water. Since the studies on the effect of different solutes on temperature corresponding to velocity maximum (TSVM) and temperature corresponding to adiabatic compressibility minimum (TACM) of water have been found to characterize the structural propensity of any solute (3-7), the authors made an attempt to see how this solute modifies the hydrogen bonded structure of water by determining the structural contributions to the shift in TSVM and TACM. In addition to these studies. temperature corresponding to specific acoustic impedance maximum (TSAIM) studies of water have been also carried out and the results are reported in this paper.
ExperimentalTriple distilled water was used to prepare stock solutions of aqueous cyclohexanone. Cyclohexanone was purified using standard procedures (8). The density of the purified liquid, determined using a bicapillaq type pycnometer with an accurac...