Coating for preventing nonspecific adhesion mediated biofouling in salty systems: Effect of the electrostatic and van der waals interactionsDevelopment of anti-biofouling coating has attracted immense attention for reducing the massively detrimental effects of biofouling in systems ranging from ship hulls and surgical instruments to catheters, implants, and stents. In this paper, we propose a model to quantify the role of electrostatic and van der Waals (vdW) forces in dictating the efficacy of dielectric coating for preventing the nonspecific adhesion mediated biofouling in salty systems. The model considers a generic charged lipid-bilayer encapsulated vesiclelike structure representing the bio-organism. Also, we consider the fouling caused by the nonspecific adhesion of the bio-organism on the substrate, without accounting for the explicit structures (e.g., pili, appendages) or conditions (e.g., surface adhesins secreted by the organisms) involved in the adhesion of specific microorganism. The model is tested by considering the properties of actual coating materials and biofouling causing microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, algae). Results show that while the electrostatic-vdW effect can be significant in anti-biofouling action for cases where the salt concentration is relatively low (e.g., saline solution for surgical instruments), it might not be effective for marine environment where the salt concentration is much higher. The findings, therefore, point to a hitherto unexplored driving mechanism of anti-biofouling action of the coating. Such an identification will also enable the appropriate choices of the coating materials (e.g., possible dielectric material with volume charge) and other system parameters (e.g., salinity of the solution for storing the surgical instruments) that will significantly improve the efficiency of the coatings in preventing the nonspecific adhesion mediated biofouling.Abbreviations: DLVO, Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek; EDL, electric double layer; PE, polyelectrolyte; PM, plasma membrane; vdW, van der Waals materials and surface structures that prevent such adhesion and colonization action [9-11] and thereby prevent biofouling. The different forces that drive such anti-biofouling action include superhydrophobicity [6], superwettability [12], polymer interactions [11], micro-texturing [13], toxicity [14], electrochemical disinfection action [15], and so on.In this paper, we develop a model for studying the effect of combined van der Waals (vdW) and electrostatic interactions in enabling a dielectric coating to prevent the nonspecific adhesion-mediated under-water biofouling from different microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, algae, and so on ( Fig. 1). At the outset, we shall like to emphasize that our model does not consider any microorganism-specific adhesion that might be controlled by microorganism appendages Color online: See article online to view Figs. 1-3 in color.