The on-alpha ganglion cell in the area cen- its receptive field has a center and surround (13).Here we combine the general structure of the analytical models with detailed anatomical data to compute the contribution of the b, array to the on-alpha receptive field. The computation assumes, like the analytical models, that the on-alpha cell sums its inputs linearly. Although there are temporal nonlinearities within the on-alpha receptive field, given moderate stimulus contrast, these nonlinearities apparently sum in a spatially linear fashion (9, 11). The computation also assumes that every b, synapse evokes the same conductance increase in the on-alpha cell (for a given depolarization of the bipolar cell) and that this conductance increase depolarizes the on-alpha cell. These assumptions simplify the computation of the on-alpha receptive field to a weighted summation of bipolar receptive fields. A bipolar cell's weight depends on the number of synapses it contributes to the on-alpha dendrites and the electrotonic effects of these synapses at the soma.The receptive fields of both on and off types of alpha (Y) ganglion cells are tuned to low spatial frequencies (cutoff frequency, 2 c/degree in area centralis) (1). The Y cell contributes the major retinal input to area 18, which may explain the low-frequency tuning of this area (2, 3). The alpha cell's contribution to the visual system depends critically on the structure of its receptive field. There are two overlapping regions: a relatively broad center and a still broader antagonistic surround, each with a roughly Gaussian distribution of sensitivity (4-7).The question we address here is how does the alpha (Y) receptive field structure arise from retinal circuitry? Analytical models of the alpha receptive field give some important clues (8-11). Such models, as schematized in Fig. 1, hypothesize the receptive field to arise from a pooling of linear subunits. Each linear subunit has a center and surround with Gaussian distributions of sensitivity. These linear subunits are weighted individually and summed in a linear fashion. If appropriate distributions of sensitivity for the subunits are chosen, as well as the correct weightings, then the summed subunit centers duplicate the alpha center and the summed subunit surrounds duplicate the alpha surround (8). Although correspondence has not been established between linear subunits and any particular elements of retinal circuitry, they closely resemble, by their individual properties and their array, the bipolar cells that contact the on-alpha cell. We had previously described this source ofinput by reconstructing an on-alpha cell from serial, electron microscopic sections.Most bipolar synapses (82-89%) derive from a single bipolar METHODS An on-alpha ganglion cell from the area centralis had been filled with horseradish peroxidase, blackened with diaminobenzidine, and drawn with a camera lucida (12). Almost half of the dendritic arbor, spanning the full-field diameter, had been reconstructed by electron microsco...