In this work, the technique of equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) that enables producing bulk billets was used to form a UFG structure in Ti-6Al-4V alloy. A subsequent warm upsetting simulates die forging and the production of a part. We studied the evolution of the UFG alloy’s crystallographic texture in the process of deformation during the production of a semi-product and/or a part, as well as its effect on the ductile–brittle transition region in the temperature range from −196 °C to 500 °C and the material’s fracture mechanisms. To test Charpy impact strength, standard samples of square cross-section with a V-shape notch were used (KCV). It was found that the impact toughness anisotropy is caused by textural effects and has a pronounced character at temperatures in the ductile–brittle transition range. Up to 100 °C the KCV values are close in the specimens processed by ECAP and ECAP+upsetting (along and perpendicularly to the upsetting axis—along the Z-axis and along the Y-axis, respectively), while a large difference is observed at test temperatures of 200 °C and higher. At a temperature of 500 °C, the impact toughness of the UFG Ti-6Al-4V alloy after ECAP reaches a level of that after ECAP+upsetting in the fracture direction along the Z-axis (1.60 and 1.77 MJ/m2, respectively). Additionally, an additional ECAP upsetting after ECAP decreases the ductile–brittle transition temperature of the UFG Ti-6Al-4V alloy, which increases the temperature margin of the toughness of the structural material and reduces the risk of the catastrophic failure of a product. The fractographic analysis of the fracture surface of the specimens after Charpy tests in a wide temperature range revealed the features of crack propagation depending on the type of the alloy’s microstructure and texture in the fracture direction.