I n t r o d u c t i o n :Regardless of the cause of pain in the anterior joint of the knee, therapeutic possibilities aside from kinesitherapy also include myofascial applications using Flexotape tape.A i m : The aim of the research is to analyze the postural stability of the lower limbs after the application of myofascial taping (Flexotape) for pain in the knee joints. M a t e r i a l a n d m e t h o d s : Seventeen patients with pain in the anterior compartment of the knee at age 13-17 were enrolled in the study. A two-plate posturograph CQW2P-vUSB consisting of two platforms with embedded sensors was used for the measurements. The first test was performed without the application of taping. The second examination was performed directly after applying the application and the third test was half an hour after applying the taping. The Flexotape application was placed in the area of the strainer fascia of the broad, painful lower limb. R e s u l t s : The total length of the statokinesiogram (SP_EO) path counted in both axes does not change during the tests. The attached taping application does not affect the change of the statokinezjogram (SA_EO) surface area and the mean deflection of the foot pressure center in the direction of the AP axis. However, it has a statistically significant effect at the level of α = 0.01 for the deflection of the foot pressure center in the direction of the ML axis.