The pressure-drop and heat-transfer performance of an enhanced tube with transverse disruptions can be predicted with a numerical modeling method, an accomplishment not previously achieved. Two computer codes wet,*,employed to achieve this goal n an orthogonal code and a nonorthogonal, body-fitted code. The turbulence closure was achieved with a two-layer turbulence model. The orthogonal computer code was used to determine the influence of the Prandtl number. The numerical simulations demonstrated that six distinct regions exist and that three zones dominate the thermal performance. The nonorthogonal, body-fitted numerical code was used to determine the thermohydraulic performance of enhanced tubes with transverse, periodic sine-, semicircle-, arc-, and trapezoidshaped disruptions. The research showed that there was a trade-off between the heat-transfer and pressure-drop performances when the disruption shape becomes more contoured, and that the local heat transfer is strongly dependent on the shape in the vicinity of the disruption, but it is less dependent in the downstream recirculation region and in the boundary-layer development zone.
SummaryNumerical analysis was successfully used to evaluate the single-phase thermal-hydraulic performance of internally enhanced heat-exchanger tubes. A two-dimensional, axisymmetric flow field was selected because it is an accurate representation for the internal geometry considered in this investigation (two-dimensional transverse disruptions or ribs). The flow field was considered to be fully developed because the tube length is much larger than the tube diameter for typical heat exchangers. Both laminar and turbulent flow were considered, although the work discussed in this report focuses on the more important turbulent case.Very good agreement was obtained between the predicted friction factors and mean heattransfer coefficients and the corresponding measured values. For this validation, five tube geometries with rectangular disruptions (Webb et al. 1971), two tube geometries with arc-shaped disruptions , and one tube with a semicircular disruption (Nunner 1956)'* The helixangle is definedas the angle betweenthe centerlineof thetube and the disruption.The helixanglesof transversedisruptionsand longitudinal disruptionsare90' and 0°, respectively.