The problems of influence of the technological reinforcement disorientation on the deformation behavior of composite tubular elements subjected to repeated-static internal hydrostatic pressure and axial tension, as well as the resistance to fracture of these elements subjected to the above-mentioned loading are discussed.
The experimental part of research is carried out applying thin-walled tubular elements manufactured from the fiberglass fabric prepreg based on the modified epoxy resin.
It is established that a possible deviation of the reinforcement angle from 60 to 80 taking place during the processing of material into goods has little effect on the fracture resistance both subjected to the internal hydrostatic pressure and axial tension of fiberglass pipes manufactured so that the directions of reinforcing fiberglass fabric warp and ones axis are coincided.
Meanwhile, the following was stated that the accompanied shearing deformations are arising besides the basic cyclic deformations (noted in the direction of force application) for initially disorientation fiberglass pipes in difference from non-disoriented ones at the condition of pulsating (irregular) loading by the above-mentioned load-bearing factors.
Calculations are proved that the reinforcement disorientation direction in the above-underlined limits is brought to the significant decrease of the energy dissipation coefficient of fiberglass pipes.
The statement aiming the constructional solution of the problem is formulated in a sense of negative influence of the technological reinforcement disorientation on the composite tubular elements functioning at the conditions of cyclic axial tension and internal hydrostatic pressure.