Two types of hypermarket spenders with multi-patronage behavior were identified; namely, “Concentric” and “Sprinkled.” The objective of this study is to examine which of hypermarket store attributes differentiate between the two types of spenders, and to determine the differences of their demographic characteristics. Six store attributes including the depth of the product assortment, store services, location convenience, sales promotion, prices, and store reputation were examined. Also, five different demogrpaphics were tested including gender, nationality, marital status, education and monthly income.. A cross sectional design with an intercept survey was used. Three hundered cusdtomers were intercepted at diffeerent hypermarket store locations and asked to fill out the survey instrument. Two research hypotheses were tested using the survey data. The interpretation of the discriminant function showed that “concentric” spenders score quite high on store services, moderately on convenience and sales promotion, and low on prices. Both product assortment depth and store reputation were not important to the discriminant function interpretation. Results also indicated that only two demographics were significantly differentiating between the two types of spenders. Several recommendations were made based on the study findings to enable each hypermaqrket store in Kuwait to increase its share of a consumer’s wallet.