Photoinduced interdiffusion was observed with above band gap light in nanolayered Se/ As 2 S 3 films. It is discussed in terms of the optical parameters such as band gap, Urbach edge ͑E e ͒ ͓F. Urbach, Phys. Rev. 92, 1324 ͑1953͔͒, and B 1/2 ͑Tauc's parameter͒ ͓J. Tauc et al., Phys. Status Solidi 15, 627 ͑1966͔͒. Experimental data of B 1/2 and E e for as-prepared samples do not show clear correlation implied by the Mott-Davis model ͓N. F. Mott and E. A. Davis, Electronic Process in Non-crystalline Materials ͑Clarendon, Oxford 1979͒, p. 287͔. It is also shown that the optical parameters can be changed with a change in the Se sublayer thickness. Variations of these optical parameters as a function of modulation period and photoinduced interdiffusion were discussed in terms of the quantum confinement effect and changes in the valence and conduction bands. We proposed a model to explain the mechanism of Se diffusion in As 2 S 3 , which suggests that diffusion takes place through the wrong bonds. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ͑XPS͒ is used to investigate the chemical alternations in the bonding. The proposed model was supported by the XPS data.