Recent progress in the physics of high-power arcs has been largely due to a blend of detailed experimental and theoretical investigations aimed at explaining the electrical behaviour of the discharge in terms of fundamental physical processes.I n the case of collision-dominated, high-pressure arcs the important role of radiative energy transfer, including strong self-absorption, has been established through the experimental and theoretical study of cylindrically symmetric, uncontaminated arc plasmas. As a result, an insight has been gained into the additional complications produced in naturally occurring high-pressure arcs by electrode vapour contamination and self-magnetically-propelled plasma flows. Application of the boundary layer integral method of aerodynamics in conjunction with extensive property measurements has enabled the higher-power dissipation capabilities of arcs in imposed axial flows to be related to flow acceleration and turbulent exchange processes. Integral methods have also given an insight into arc properties and behaviour in the presence of severe ablation of an arc-confining wall.The application of similarity theory based upon the conservation equations of fluid mechanics has produced good correlation of the properties of arcs in transverse flows and magnetic fields under a number of different operating conditions. Criteria defining stable arc operation have been derived using stability theory whilst axisymmetric instabilities of arcs in accelerating flows have been related to vortex production at the arc boundary.Although much detailed experimental and theoretical studies have also been made of arcs in vacuum, there remains a need for a general theoretical description. I n addition, despite agreement that cathode processes exert a strong influence upon vacuum arc properties, there is uncertainty concerning the proportion and spatial distributions of the various particle species emitted by the cathode. Nonetheless a qualitative appreciation of the processes governing the overall electrical characteristics for different current ranges has been achieved.