Objectives: This study was designed to construct and test the structural equation model for the alcohol-related problem of alcohol use disorders. Methods: Data were collected by structured self-questionnaires from 229 male subjects who received > 8 (greater than 8) score on Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT). The Data were analyzed by SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. Results: The model fit indices for the modified hypothetical model showed Q = 2.50, GFI = 0.90, and CFI = 0.94. As a result, Life position, parent's drinking problem, and alcohol expectancy had significantly direct effect on alcoholrelated problem. Alcohol expectancy also had mediator effect between life position and alcohol-related problem. Conclusions: Consequently, the more positive life position, the less alcohol-related problem occurred. It is necessary to change their life position, which is individual factor, to prevent or reduce the alcohol related problem of alcohol use disorders.