Expressions have been obtained in a modified Schuster‐Schwarzschild approximation describing the monochromatic transmissivity, reflectivity, and absorptivity of a cloud layer characterized by an arbitrary single‐scattering albedo and anisotropic phase function. These analytic results for fluxes are accurate to within a few per cent, when compared with a range of exact solutions for limiting cases, including the case of strong forward scattering and large optical depth. The application of this formalism, combined with exact solutions of the Mie theory problem, to the observed visual and near‐infrared reflectivity of Venus permits the determination of a number of properties of the Venus cloud layer. We confirm Strong's identification of ice as the principal constituent of the clouds. Liquid water, hydrocarbons, and dust are found to be unlikely principal constituents of the cloud tops. In addition, the mean radius of cloud particles lies between 7.5 and 10 µ, and the interaction optical depth of the layer is between 18 and 43. Clouds having these properties allow a sizable fraction of the incident sunlight to penetrate to the surface but are extremely opaque to radiation thermally produced by the planet.