. Orange [Re02L4]C1 salts were prepared with L = imidazole and 2-methylimidazole. The presence of a strong Re=O stretching band in the infrared spectra near 785 cm-I is consistent with a trans-dioxo octahedral structure. With 1,2-dimethylimidazole, red-violet solids were obtained, which were studied by X-ray diffraction. Form I (from methanol): cubic, l a j d , a = 25.205 A, R = 0.032, 986 observed reflections; form I1 (from ethanol-dichloromethane): cubic, Ia3d, a = 25.520 A, R = 0.056, 766 observed reflections. Both materials are non-stoichiometric, containing trans-[R~O,L,]+ and protonated t r a n s -[~e~(~~) L~]~+ in an approximate ratio of 3: 1 for I and 2: 1 for 11. In both cases, the unit cell contains 1 "normal" C1-ion and 2/3 H 2 0 per complex. In form I, the additional charge of [ReO(OH)L412+ is balanced by an extra C1-ion partly occupying the unit cell origin, where it is replaced by disordered methanol the rest of the time. In form 11, Re04-and CH2Cl2 play the corresponding roles. In the infrared spectra, besides the characteristic band for the dioxo species, both forms show an extra peak at -932 cm-' originating from the protonated species, whereas form I1 shows an additional band at 907 cm-' for uncoordinated Re04-. The 'H and "C NMR spectra of both forms in D 2 0 are identical to those of the pure [R~O~L,]' salt, indicating that the protonated species is strongly acidic.