1.A cell-free system from mouse Krebs I1 ascites cells is described which responds by increased amino acid incorporation into protein on addition of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMC-RNA). RNA from other sources does not produce this response.2 . The stimulation by EMC-RNA occurs over a narrow range of Mg2f concentrations and is maximal a t 5mM, which is optimal for the endogenous incorporation and lower than that required in the presence of poly(U).3. The EMC-RNA-directed product is distinguished from the endogenous products by its size and composition.4. After an initial lag of 4 min, during which the nascent chains are too short to be acidinsoluble, EMC-RNA-directed protein synthesis is active for more than 1 h.5. EMC-RNA-directed synthesis is particularly sensitive to the inhibitors cycloheximide and dextran sulphate. Using the latter, it has been shown that the initiation of protein synthesis is completed during the first 15 min of incubation.6. Only 20-3001, of the product of the cell-free system, whether endogenous or EMC-RNAdirected, is released from the ribosomes. Despite the size of the viral RNA, it did not appear to promote the formation of exceptionally large polysomes.7. It is concluded that the EMC-RNA is acting as a message for viral proteins in the ascites cell-free system. The demonstration that bacteriophage RNA can act as a messenger RNA in cell-free preparations from Escherichia coli [l] has greatly facilitated the study of several aspects of protein biospthesis in bacteria. We wished to extend this approach to mammalian systems using a homologous viral RNA. It is known that the RNA extracted from encephalomyocarditis virus (EMC) [2,3] and from several other mammalian viruses [4-61 is capable of stimulating amino acid incorporation when added to extracts of certain mammalian or avian cells and we have used the EMClKrebs I1 ascites cell system in this work. We report here the development of a highly sensitive cell-free preparation from mouse Krebs I1 ascites cells and describe some of the characteristics of the stimulation of protein synthesis elicited by encephalomyocarditis virus RNA (EMC-RNA). The fidelity of this system has recently been established by the demonstration that the product formed Unusual Abbreviations. EMC, encephalomyocarditis; Guo-5'-P2-CH,-P, 5'-guanylyl-methylenediphosphate; poly-(U), polyuridylic acid; S-30, the 30000 x g supernatant.Enzymes. Creatine phosphokinase (EC; pancreatic ribonuclease (EC the direction of EMC-RNA corresponds to material present in EMC-infected cells [7].