The passive-film on interstitially hardened AISI 316L stainless steel was studied in 0.1 M NaCl solution using electrochemical impedance spectrometry (EIS) and surface analytical techniques.The interstitially hardened AISI 316L was achieved via low-temperature paraequilibrium carburization. EIS experimental data were fitted and analyzed by an equivalent-circuit model that incorporated two time constants: one representing the properties of the carburized layer and one representing those of the passive film. To validate the model a series of samples with varying carburized layer thickness were prepared by successive polishing. In addition to EIS, these samples were analyzed by XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectrometry) to determine the chemical composition of the passive film and carburized layer. A consistent correlation was observed between the EIS response and the chemical compositions of the passive film and carburized layers. Supporting data from long term immersion tests are also reported.K ey wor ds: Austenitic stainless steel, AISI 316L, interstitial hardening, surface engineering passivity, electrochemical impedance spectrometry, X-ray photoelectron spectrometry. * Corresponding author: 1.
I ntr oductionSurface hardening (or, more general, surface engineering) of alloys has been a central theme of materials technology. For stainless steel and related alloys, interstitial hardening via a lowtemperature gas carburizing process has been developed by Heurer and Ernst [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. The process is based on infusing carbon through the alloy surface at low temperature -a temperature low enough to kinetically suppress carbide precipitation but still high enough to enable carbon diffusion into technologically useful depths (>25 m) within acceptable processing times (90 ks) [1,2]. Without changing the shape or dimensions of alloy parts, the process produces a graded carbon concentration-depth profile from the alloy surface into the part. In austenitic stainless steel AISI 316, for which the process has been developed originally, peak fractions of up to 14 at% of carbon in solid solution are observed near the surface. This corresponds to 10 5 times the roomtemperature equilibrium solubility limit of carbon. The dissolved carbon stabilizes the FCC (face-centered cubic) crystal structure of austenite and lowers the martensite start temperature. The carburized layer dramatically improves hardness ( 5 times), wear resistance ( 100 times), and high-cycle fatigue life ( 100 times). For example, surface Vickers hardness values of 1200 HV25 have been obtained for base material with a Vickers hardness of 250 HV25 [3]. The substantial enhancement of high-cycle fatigue life has also been observed and is the result of a compressive biaxial stress of 2 to 3 GPa that the high concentration of interstitial carbon generates near the alloy surface [3]. With respect to corrosion resistance, it has been reported that interstitial hardening (IH) with low-temperature paraequilibrium carburization significantly imp...