status tends to change, thus leading to an increase in inflammation in the periodontal tissues.Dental health is an important component of somatic human health. Various aggressive environmental and nutritional factors affect adversely the oral cavity homeostasis, serve as a prerequisite for emergence of inflammatory-destructive diseases of the dentofacial system. Development of general periodontitis (GP) is accompanied by a complex of pathological changes with a predominance of inflammatory and dystrophic phenomena. 1 These changes vary much, depending on the intensity of the periodontal tissue affection, and reflect the processes of local inflammation and activation of the immune defense mechanisms. All this requires adequate measures to control dental health of the population. 2 Diseases of periodontal tissues remain one of the urgent problems in the modern dentistry. 3 In recent decades, a large number of studies have been devoted to the relationship between the intensity of the periodontal complex affection and a number of somatic diseases, which are currently classified as socially significant ones. These are, first of all, cardiovascular diseases (CVD), diabetes mellitus, oncopathology, osteoporosis, osteoarthrosis, etc. 2,[4][5][6][7] In the industrialized countries the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among the population of 30years and older is 10-20%, significantly increasing with age.
Goal of the studyidentifying the correlation of the cytokine status, arterial stiffness and oral health status in patients with the metabolic syndrome.