To determine the function of the wabG gene in the biosynthesis of the core lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Klebsiella pneumoniae, we constructed wabG nonpolar mutants. Data obtained from the comparative chemical and structural analysis of LPS samples obtained from the wild type, the mutant strain, and the complemented mutant demonstrated that the wabG gene is involved in attachment to ␣-L-glycero-D-manno-heptopyranose II (L,D-HeppII) at the O-3 position of an ␣-D-galactopyranosyluronic acid (␣-D-GalAp) residue. K. pneumoniae nonpolar wabG mutants were devoid of the cell-attached capsular polysaccharide but were still able to produce capsular polysaccharide. Similar results were obtained with K. pneumoniae nonpolar waaC and waaF mutants, which produce shorter LPS core molecules than do wabG mutants. Other outer core K. pneumoniae nonpolar mutants in the waa gene cluster were encapsulated. K. pneumoniae waaC, waaF, and wabG mutants were avirulent when tested in different animal models. Furthermore, these mutants were more sensitive to some hydrophobic compounds than the wild-type strains. All these characteristics were rescued by reintroduction of the waaC, waaF, and wabG genes from K. pneumoniae.In gram-negative bacteria the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is one of the major structural and immunodominant molecules of the outer membrane. LPS consists of three domains: lipid A, core oligosaccharide, and O-specific antigen or O side chain. In smooth LPS, the core region is conceptually divided into two regions: a lipid A proximal inner core and an outer core that provides the attachment site for the O antigen (21). Comparison of the known core LPS structures from Enterobacteriaceae organisms reveals that the first outer core residue might be either glucose (Glc) or a galacturonic acid (GalA) residue. In the four known Escherichia coli core types and in Salmonella enterica, a substitution of the L-glycero-D-manno-heptopyranose II (L,D-HeppII) at the O-3 position for a Glcp residue was found (12). For Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, and Yersinia enterocolitica, a substitution of the L,D-HeppII at the O-3 position for an ␣-D-galacturonic acid residue (␣-DGalpA) residue has been described (20,29,30). On the other hand, in most of the Enterobacteriaceae studied, the core LPS contains inner core phosphoryl modifications (21), but K. pneumoniae core LPS is devoid of such modifications (29) (Fig. 1).Important roles in outer membrane permeability and in pathogenesis have been shown for the outer core and for the negative charges contributed by phosphoryl inner core modification in E. coli and/or S. enterica serovar Typhimurium (32,33,34). In view of the peculiarities of the K. pneumoniae core LPS, we sought in this work to determine the importance of the outer core LPS in K. pneumoniae outer membrane permeability and in pathogenesis. The previous knowledge of the K. pneumoniae waa gene cluster (the nomenclature proposed by Reeves et al. [23] for proteins and genes involved in core LPS biosynthesis is used in this work) and t...