The hum an in su lin -lik e grow th factor type 2 recep tor gen e (IGF2R) is b ia llelica lly expressed in a variety o f fetal and adult tissu es. In contrast, the im printed m ouse Igf2r gen e is exp ressed exclu sively from the ma ternally in h erited chrom osom e. The m ouse gene con tains tw o CpG isla n d s th at are m ethylated in a parentspecific m anner. M éthylation o f th e CpG island in the prom oter region occu rs on th e repressed paternal gene copy. M éthylation of th e CpG island in intron 2 is specific for th e a ctiv e m aternal allele and m ay repre sen t the prim ary im print. H ere, we have analyzed the hum an IGF2R gen e to in v estig a te w hether these m otifs and th eir parent-of-origin-specific epigenetic modifi cation have b een conserved. As in th e mouse, the hu man IGF2R gen e w as found to contain two CpG is lands, one en com p assin g th e transcription start site (CpG 1) and th e oth er in th e second intron (CpG 2). CpG 2 is h yp erm eth ylated on th e m aternal IGF2R al lele. In contrast to th e situ a tio n in th e m ouse, how ever, the hum an CpG 1 is com p letely unm ethylated on both parental chrom osom es, The hum an and m ouse intronic CpG islan d s la ck sign ifican t sequence hom ol ogy* w h ich su g g ests th a t DNA conform ation plays a role in allele-Specific m éthylation.