“…Link Content NCBI Gene [66] www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene Atlas of 59,500 human genes GOA [67] www.ebi.ac.uk/GOA 487,409 Gene Ontology annotations for 48,569 human gene products ENCODE [68] www.encodeproject.org Functional annotations of coding/non-coding DNA elements NCBI Epigenomics [69] www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/epigenomics 5,110 epigenetic modifications 4DGenome [70] 4dgenome [73] www.ebi.ac.uk/gxa Differential and baseline gene expression data CMAP [74] www.broadinstitute.org/cmap ∼ 7,000 expression profiles for 1,309 perturbagen compounds COXPRESdb [75] coxpresdb.jp Co-expression of 19,803 human genes GeneFriends [76] genefriends.org Co-expression of 159,184 human genes and transcripts UniProt [77] www.uniprot.org Information about human proteome (69,693 proteins) NeXtProt [78] www.nextprot.org Knowledgebase on 20,066 human proteins RCSB PDB [79] www.rcsb.org/pdb Portal to 113,494 biological macromolecular 3D-structures HPA [80] www.thehpp.org Maps of human proteome on 44 normal and 20 cancer type tissues IntAct [81] www.ebi.ac.uk/intact 209,852 human protein-protein interactions BioGrid [82] thebiogrid.org 215,952 human protein-protein interactions I2D [83] ophid.utoronto.ca 183,524 (+ 55,985 predicted) protein-protein interactions STRING [84] string-db.org 8,548,005 interactions between 20,457 proteins HMDB [85] www.hmdb.ca Atlas of 41,993 human metabolites KEGG Pathway [86] www.genome.jp/kegg/pathway 298 human pathways SMPD [87] www.smpdb.ca ∼700 human metabolic and disease pathways Reactome [88] www.reactome.org 8,770 reactions in 1,887 human pathways SugarBindDB [89] sugarbind.expasy.org 1,256 interactions between 200 glycans and 551 pathogenic agents UniCarbKB [90] www.unicarbkb.org 3,740 glycan structure entries and 400 glycoproteins KEGG Glycan [91] www.genome.jp/kegg/glycan/ Glycan metabolic pathways OMIM [92] www.omim.org Catalog of mendelian disorders and over 15,000 genes NCBI dbGaP [93] www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gap Database of genotypes and phenotypes GWAS Catalog [94] www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/ Genome wide association studies, assaying ∼ 100,000 SNPs COSMIC...…”