Let p be an odd prime. We construct a non-abelian extension Γ of S 1 by Z/p × Z/p, and prove that any finite subgroup of Γ acts freely and smoothly on S 2p−1 × S 2p−1 . In particular, for each odd prime p we obtain free smooth actions of infinitely many non-metacyclic rank two p-groups on S 2p−1 × S 2p−1 . These results arise from a general approach to the existence problem for finite group actions on products of equidimensional spheres. download from IP or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use
IAN HAMBLETON ANDÖZGÜNÜNLÜThe finite subgroups of Γ which surject onto the quotient Z/p × Z/p are direct products G = C × P (k), where C is a finite cyclic group of order prime to p, andis a rank two p-group of order p k , k ≥ 3. We therefore obtain infinitely many actions of non-metacyclic p-groups on S 2p−1 × S 2p−1 for each prime p. An important special case is the extraspecial p-group G p = P (3) of order p 3 and exponent p. Our existence result contradicts claims made in [4], [5], [37], and [41] that G p -actions do not exist (for cohomological reasons) on any product of equidimensional spheres. It was later shown by Benson and Carlson [7] that such actions could not be ruled out for any prime p by cohomological methods. Moreover for p = 3, in [17], we gave an explicit construction of a free smooth action of Γ (and in particular G 3 ) on S 5 × S 5 . This construction provides an alternate proof of Theorem A for p = 3.More generally, rank two finite p-groups were classified by Blackburn [8] (see also [26]). Consider the additional family, extending the groups P (k):where k ≥ 4, and is 1 or a quadratic non-residue mod p. Here is Blackburn's list of the rank two p-groups G with order p k , and p > 3 (the classification for p = 3 is more complicated):We now know that groups of types I and II do act freely on a product of equidimensional spheres in the minimal dimension. Is this the complete answer?Conjecture. Let p > 3 be an odd prime. If G is a rank two p-group G which acts freely and smoothly on S 2pr−1 × S 2pr−1 , r ≥ 1, then G is metacyclic or G is a subgroup of Γ. Licensed to Univ of Mississippi. Prepared on Sun Jul 5 03:53:55 EDT 2015 for download from IP License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use FREE ACTIONS OF FINITE GROUPS ON S n × S n 3291 Sp (2); hence by generalizing the notion of fixity in [2] to quaternionic fixity, one can construct free actions of these non-metabelian 2-groups on S 7 × S 7 (see [38]).Remark. Every rank two finite p-group (for p odd) admits a free smooth action on some product S n × S m , m n (see [2] for p > 3, [38] for p = 3). The survey article by A. Adem [1] describes recent progress on the existence problem in this setting for general finite groups (see also [20]). In most cases, construction of the actions requires m > n.We will always assume that our actions on S n × S n are homologically trivial and n is odd. For free actions...