Abstract. We study Anderson and alloy type random Schrödinger operators on ℓ 2 (Z d ) and L 2 (R d ). Wegner estimates are bounds on the average number of eigenvalues in an energy interval of finite box restrictions of these types of operators. For a certain class of models we prove a Wegner estimate which is linear in the volume of the box and the length of the considered energy interval. The single site potential of the Anderson/alloy type model does not need to have fixed sign, but it needs be of a generalised step function form. The result implies the Lipschitz continuity of the integrated density of states.
Model and resultsWe study spectral properties of Schrödinger operators which are given as the sum H = −∆ + V of the negative Laplacian ∆ and a multiplication operator V . The operators can be considered in d-dimensional Euclidean space R d or on the lattice Z d . To be able to treat both cases simultaneously let us use the symboland V is a bounded functionThus H is selfadjoint on the usual Sobolev space W 2,2 (R d ). In the discrete case the Laplacian is given by the rule ∆φwhere φ is a sequence in ℓ 2 (Z d ) and (e 1 , . . . , e d ) is an orthonormal basis which defines the lattice Z d as a subset of R d . The potential is given by a bounded function V : Z d → R, and thus H is a bounded selfadjoint operator.The operators we are considering are random. More precisely, the potential V = V per + V ω decomposes into a part V per which is translation invariant with respect to some sub-lattice nZ d , n ∈ N, i.e. V per (x + k) = V per (x) for all x ∈ R d and all k ∈ nZ d , and a part V ω which is random. The random part of the potential is a stochastic field V ω (x) := k∈Z d ω k u(x − k), x ∈ X d , of alloy or Anderson type. Here u : X d → R is a bounded, compactly supported function, which we call single site potential. The coupling constants ω k , k ∈ Z d form an independent, identically distributed sequence of real random variables. We assume that the random variables are bounded and distributed according to a density f of bounded variation. In the discrete case the random operator H ω = −∆ + V per + V ω is called Anderson model, and in the continuum case H ω is called alloy type model.There is a well defined spectral distribution function N : R → R of the family (H ω ) ω which is closely related to eigenvalue counting functions on finite cubes. To explain this precisely, we need some more notation. Denote by χ the characteristic function of the set [−1/2, 1/2] d ∩ X d . Thus in the continuum case this set is a unit cube, and in the discrete Key words and phrases. random Schrödinger operators, alloy type model, integrated density of states, Wegner estimate, single site potential, non-monotone. March 27, 2018March 27, , 2008.tex.