The paper presents the results of a study project of 60+ well block of the large (> 1,000 wells) mature (30 year old) oilfield in Western Siberia with objective to localise and characterize residual recoverable reserves and propose the optimal economic scenario for further depletion.
Low permeability, heterogeneous reserve structure along the cross-section, numerous induced hydraulic fractures in producing wells and numerous spontaneous fractures in injecting wells with dynamic behavior, aggravated by numerous behind-the-casing crossflows in almost every well have resulted in a very complex conditions of remaining reserves.
The conventional methods of production analysis and surveillance (well testing and production logging) do not provide a consistent picture of the current distribution and conditions of the remaining reserves and required a deeper and more complex analysis.
Development Opportunities Management workflow was chosen for this particular holistic study, which includes a set of interconnected studies, field surveillance, geological and flow modelling and culminated in field development planning based on the digital asset twin. (Ganiev, B., 2021)
Digital asset twin was constructed based on results of this workflow with a full-range economical model, flow simulation over the thoroughly calibrated fine-grid 3D dynamic model and production complication model (dynamic behavior of the fractures and behind-casing channeling).
The 3D model has been calibrated on results of the cross-well pressure-pulse surveillance, reservoir-oriented production logging and was validated by the results of the drilling of the transition wells.
The digital asset twin was used to find the optimal investment scenario based on multivariate calculations with the help of digital assistants.
Due to simplicity of the user interface and client-server design, the digital twin was made available for various corporate engineers and managers without any modelling skills to play around with their own ideas on possible production/investment scenarios which gave another level of validation of the ultimate field development plan.
All activities carried out within the digital twin automatically generate a complete package of investment metrics (NPV, PI, IRR, MIRR, Cash Flow and many correlation graphs) to assess the economic efficiency of each package and select the most appropriate solution for further ultimate choice.
The approved scenario was based around drilling 6 producing side-tracks in specific locations/trajectories, performing workovers on specific offset injectors and re-scheduling of the production/injection rates in all block wells.
The results of the field development's activities implementation will be the subject of a future publication.