In the development of participatory approaches, evaluations of the participatory practices have been increasingly discussed due to the different conceptualizations of participation: whether it was a means to an end, or an end in itself. On the other hand, regardless of the conceptualizations of participation, there has been a tendency to evaluate participatory practices using pre-defined criteria of success. However, the present study argues that each participatory practice should be evaluated by all of its participants by developing a shared understanding and agreed-upon criteria of success, since such an evaluation process should take into account the uniqueness of each locality and each participatory practice, and the participation right of the individual in the evaluation process. As such, to reveal the requirements for the individual evaluation of each participatory experience, this study aims to explore the differences between the success definitions of different participant groups from contextually different settings in Turkey: Gazi (Samsun), Kaymaklı (Nevşehir), Odunpazarı (Eskişehir) and Seyrek (İzmir), which have the same project objectives as partners in the Local Government and NGO Cooperation in the Participatory Democracy project. For this exploratory case study, in-depth interviews were conducted with participants from four localities covered in the case project to obtain subjective descriptions of their definitions of success. At the end, the study has revealed that the respondents from each locality defined success in different ways, including, but not confined to attributes of the "process," "end products," "personal," "interpersonal" and "cultural-contextual" content groups. Moreover, success definition of the participant groups revealed that they conceptualized participation either as an end in itself or both as a means to an end and as an end in itself. Additionally, this study explored the relationship between the socio-economic development levels of localities and the definitions of success of the participant groups in these localities.
Keywords: participatory practice, participation as a means to an end, participation as an end in itself, success definition, success attributes.
Farklı Katılımcı Grupları, Farklı Başarı Tanımları: Katılımcı Demokraside Yerel Yönetim ve STK İşbirliği Projesi Örneğinde Keşfetmeye Dayalı Bir Çalışma ÖzetKatılımlı yaklaşımların gelişimi içinde, katılımlı pratiklerin başarısının nasıl değerlendirilebileceği tartışması, katılımın araç ya da amaç olarak kavramsallaştırılmasına bağlı olarak devam etmektedir. Diğer taraftan ise literatürde, katılımının nasıl kavramsallaştırıldığından bağımsız olarak, katılımlı pratiklerin önceden belirlenmiş başarı kriterleri ile değerlendirilmesi eğilimi yaygınlık göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada ise her bir katılımlı pratiğin kendi katılımcıları tarafından geliştirilen ve üzerinde uzlaşılmış başarı kriterleri ile değerlendirilmesinin gerekliliği vurgulanmaktadır. Çünkü ancak böyle bir değerlendirme ile her bir...