Ultraviolet light produces pyrimidine dimers in cellular DNA. I n mouse cell lines the great majority of these pyrimidine dimers are not excised, but remain in high molecular weight DNA. Hence the DNA used as template for DNA synthesis in the first generation after ultraviolet irradiation must contain such dimers. I n two mouse cell lines (L5178Y and 3T3), alkaline sucrose sedimentation studies showed that the DNA pulse-labelled shortly after irradiation contained gaps, which by analogy with the situation in Escherichia coli, are presumed to be opposite the pyrimidine dimers. In contrast such gaps could not be detected in DNA pulse-labelled several hours after irradiation, despite the fact that dimers must have been present on the template strands. A possible explanation is that gaps were still being formed, but were filled in rapidly and were therefore not detected. This hypothesis was tested as follows. Either 1 or 8 h after ultraviolet irradiation cells were pulse-labelled in the presence of theophylline. This purine inhibits the filling in of gaps presumably by binding to the DNA in the gap. Even in the presence of theophylline, the late-synthesized DNA was considerably larger than the early-synthesized DNA. This suggests that a t late times after irradiation, gaps were either not formed a t all opposite the dimers, or were so transient that theophylline could not bind and inhibit their filling in. A model for synthesis of DNA on templates containing pyrimidine h e r s in mammalian cells, based on these findings and other recent results, is discussed.Pyrimidine dimers are thought to be the principal ultraviolet-light-induced lesions in cellular DNA. Many organisms including human cells [l] can excise these dimers from their DNA. Cells from human patients carrying the disease Xeroderma Pigmentosum and also many rodent cells have very little or no ability to excise these dimers [2-51. Nevertheless all these cells can survive ultraviolet doses producing a t least lo5 pyrimidine dimers per cell and all mammalian cells studied appear to be able to replicate DNA containing pyrimidine dimers. Synthesis on templates containing pyrimidine dimers occurs by a process termed post-replication repair (recombination repair), similar to that first discovered by Rupp and Howard-Flanders in an excision-defective strain of Escherichia coli [6]. I n mouse L517SY cells [7], as in E. coli [S], a gap of about 1000 nucleotides is left opposite the dimer during replication, and this gap is subsequently filled in. Post-replication repair has been observed in Chinese hamster cells 19,101 and in mouse L517SY cells [11,7]; the details of the gap-filling process in mouse L5178Y cells have been described in an earlier paper [7]. Recently Chiu and Rauth [12] using L cells could only detect such gaps in the daughter DNA strands after relatively high ultraviolet doses. If the correct controls were done, taking into account labelling artefacts [13,14], gaps could not he detected after lower doses.During the Grst generation after ultraviolet i...