MfpA Mt and QnrB4 are two newly characterized pentapeptide repeat proteins (PRPs) that interact with DNA gyrase. The mfpA Mt gene is chromosome borne in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, while qnrB4 is plasmid borne in enterobacteria. We expressed and purified the two PRPs and compared their effects on DNA gyrase, taking into account host specificity, i.e., the effect of MfpA Mt on M. tuberculosis gyrase and the effect of QnrB4 on Escherichia coli gyrase. Whereas QnrB4 inhibited E. coli gyrase activity only at concentrations higher than 30 M, MfpA Mt inhibited all catalytic reactions of the M. tuberculosis gyrase described for this enzyme (supercoiling, cleavage, relaxation, and decatenation) with a 50% inhibitory concentration of 2 M. We showed that the D87 residue in GyrA has a major role in the MfpA Mt 6), which results in a right-handed â€-helical structure (8, 17). The functions of the majority of the members of this large and heterogeneous family remain unknown, but three PRPs, McbG (from Escherichia coli), MfpA Mt (from Mycobacterium tuberculosis), and Qnr (from Klebsiella pneumoniae and other enterobacteria) were reported to interact with DNA gyrase, at least with the E. coli enzyme (17,33,35,44). McbG was shown to protect E. coli DNA gyrase from the toxic action of microcin B17 (33). Qnr and MfpA Mt were involved in resistance to fluoroquinolones, which are synthetic antibacterial agents prescribed worldwide for the treatment of various infectious diseases, including tuberculosis (7).DNA gyrase is an essential ATP-dependent enzyme that transiently cleaves a segment of double-stranded DNA, passes another piece of DNA through the break, and reseals it (12). DNA gyrase is unique in catalyzing the negative supercoiling of DNA in order to facilitate the progression of RNA polymerase. Most eubacteria, such as E. coli, have two type II DNA topoisomerases, i.e., DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV, but a few, such as M. tuberculosis, harbor only DNA gyrase (11).Quinolones target type II topoisomerases, and their activity is measured by the inhibition of supercoiling by gyrase or decatenation by topoisomerase IV and stabilization of complexes composed of topoisomerase covalently linked to cleaved DNA (16). The DNA gyrase active enzyme is a GyrA 2 GyrB 2 heterotetramer. The quinolone-gyrase interaction site in gyrase is thought to be located at the so-called quinolone resistance-determining regions (QRDR) in the A subunit (amino acids 57 to 196 in GyrA) and the B subunit (amino acids 426 to 466 in GyrB), which contain the majority of mutations conferring quinolone resistance (19). The GyrB QRDR is thought to interact with the GyrA QRDR to form a drug-binding pocket (18). Resistance to quinolones is usually due to chromosomal mutations either in the structural genes encoding type II topoisomerases (QRDR) (19,22) or in regulatory genes producing decreased cell wall permeability or enhancement of efflux pumps (36). The recent emergence of plasmid-borne resistance genes, such as qnr (9,13,31,38,46), aac(6Đ)- 39) and qepA (34...