The paper presents the results of the empirical study that aims to build an average group profile of parent responsiveness (PR) for parents with typically and atypically developing children before 3 years of age and to compare average PR profiles between these groups. Seventy parents with typically developing children and 32 parents with atypically developing children (autism, Down syn- drome, intellectual disabilities) between 10 and 36 months of age participated in the present study. The first sample was divided into two sub-groups: parents with typically developing children younger than 12 months of age (infants), and parents with typically developing children between 12 and 36 months of age (toddlers). Parents with atypically developing children were set as one group. The study used the PATTERN technology that employs video observations. Parent responsiveness was assessed on 4 scales (Dominance, Apathy, Sensitivity, and Support); group and individual PR profiles were constructed according to these scales. Sample comparison was conducted using Student’s t-test and Mann-Whitney U test. It has been shown that the PR to typically developing children differs compared to atypically developing children. Parents of atypically developing children are more inclined to dominate and are also characterized by greater psychological apathy. The age of typically developing children influences the nature of PR.