“…It has been used by a number of workers-notably by Rizzi (1956), Foldes (1960) and Kok, Sher and Kruger (1962)-to potentiate suxamethonium for muscular relaxation, mainly in prolonged operations. There have been some reports of the occurrence of bronchospasm (Selvin and Howland, 1959), as well as of cardiac arrhythmias and histamine release (Mostert and Kiindig, 1964), but the liability of hsxafluorenium to produce these side effects has been strongly refuted by a number of workers (Foldes, 1960;Duncalf et al, 1965;van Hemert and Pearce, 1965). The present investigation was undertaken to see if the hexa-fluorenium-suxamethonium combination would be useful in abdominal operations of short duration.…”