Whether instructional-communication feedback sent to struggling students and succeeding students following course exams would significantly increase their exam scores and significantly decrease their exam-skipping behavior relative to students in the control group was investigated. An experimenterblind study utilizing feedback and the personalization principle was conducted. Undergraduate students (N ¼ 122) were randomly assigned to the control group and the experimental group -the instructional-communications group. After each exam, an instructional intervention using instructionalcommunication feedback was sent. Struggling students who received instructional-communication feedback had higher exam scores and skipped fewer exams than struggling students in the control group for all exams. For exam 2, there was a statistically significant exam score difference (one half-letter grade: 4.93%) between struggling students in the experimental and control groups. For exam 2, the proportion of students in the experimental group that engaged in exam-skipping behavior was significantly smaller than the control group, with a percentage difference of 9.46% -a 43.07% decrease relative to the control group. For struggling students, instructional communications with tailored content significantly increased student test performance. For all students, instructional communications significantly decreased student exam-skipping behavior. The results of this study provide evidence of the efficacy of using personalization-based tailored instructional communications. /home/plat PB-T communications, PB communications, and tailored message content PB-T (personalization-based and tailored) instructional communications are designed to elicit deeper learning via use of the personalization-instructional method and tailoring principles (Gibbs, 2013). Similarly, PB (personalization-based) instructional communications are designed to elicit deeper learning by way of the personalization-instructional method, but do not use tailoring principles. PB-T instructional communications combine tailored message principles and conversational style language, which is prescribed for the personalization instructional method. In earlier work, Thomas (publishing as Gibbs, 2013) conceived the concept and created the term PB-T instructional communications.