Source of material A1:1:1 mixtureo ft he elementalc omponents (titanium pieces, 99.9 %, palladium wire, 99.9 %, germanium pieces, 99.999 %; all ChemPur) is arc melted in aprotective atmosphere of purified argon. The homogenization is performed in evacuated quartz tubes at 650°C,850°C,1000°C,1100°C,1150°Cand 1275°Cfor two weeks followed by subsequent quenching in cold water.
DiscussionTiPdGeexhibits temperature polymorphism adopting the ZrNiAl [1,2] or TiNiSi[3] structure type for the high-(ht) and the lowtemperature (lt) modification, respectively. Due to the very narrow temperature interval in which ht-TiPdGeisstable (transition temperature~1240°C,melting point~1280°C)weare not successful to synthesize the high temperaturemodification as pure bulk material. All samples obtained directly after arc-melting as well as samples annealed at high temperatures (e.g. at 1275°C) contain the described two modifications of TiPdGe. Nevertheless, lt-TiPdGecan be obtained after annealing at low temperatures (e.g. at 1150°C)asasingle-phaseproduct. Inboth crystal structures short Ge-Gecontacts are absent. Even the shortest Ge-Gedistance of approximately 3.70 Åis significantly longer than the value of 2.45 Åobserved in elementalGe with ad iamond-type atomic arrangement [4]. The closest Pd-Gecontacts are similar to the sum of the single bond radii of Pd(1.283 Å)and Ge(1.223 Å) [5]. Inboth modifications, the Pd species have distorted tetrahedral environments with Pd-Ge distances of 2.4850(6) Å(2 ×) and 2.5172(4) Å(2 ×) for htTiPdGeor2.4575(9) Å(1 ×), 2.4814(5) Å(2 ×) and 2.5865(9) Å (1 ×) for lt-TiPdGe. Incontrast, the coordination of germanium is different in the two modifications. While it is distorted tetrahedral in lt-TiPdGe, in ht-TiPdGet wo thirdso ft he Gea toms are in a trigonal-planar and one third in atrigonal-prismatic coordination by Pdspecies with d (Ge1-Pd) =2.4850(6) Åand d (Ge2-Pd) = 2.5172(4) Å,respectively. Acloser inspection of the atomic displacement parameters of the Pdand the Ge2 atoms in ht-TiPdGe reveals pronounced anisotropy. The parameter U 33 for Pdisapproximately three times larger than U 11 and for Ge2 the parameter U 33 is approximately three timessmaller than U 11 .Theseexperimental findings may indicate aslight displacement of the Pdposition from the mirror plane at z =½which is associated with ashift of the Ge2 atoms within the plane (001). Asaconsequence the ² ideal² trigonal-prismatic environment of Ge2 atom may be distorted. According to the formula D ( n )= D (1) -0 .71log n [5], the short Pd-Gecontacts correspond to bond orders nbetween 1.18 and 0.80 so that both crystal structures can be described as [PdGe] networks. Taking into account the electronegativity difference, the crystal structures consist of polyanions embedding Tispecies. The shortest Ti-Pdand Ti-Gecontacts are equal to 2.847(1) Å and 2.717(1)Å,respectively, for ht-TiPdGeand 2.936(1) Åand 2.663(1)Åfor lt-TiPdGe. This description of the chemical bonding on the basis of interatomic distances is preliminary and amore detailed anal...