Proteins, genetic material, and membranes are fundamental
to all
known organisms, yet these components alone do not constitute life.
Life emerges from the dynamic processes of self-organization, assembly,
and active motion, suggesting the existence of similar artificial
systems. Against this backdrop, our Perspective explores a variety
of chemical phenomena illustrating how nonequilibrium self-organization
and micromotors contribute to life-like behavior and functionalities.
After explaining key terms, we discuss specific examples including
enzymatic motion, diffusiophoretic and bubble-driven self-propulsion,
pattern-forming reaction-diffusion systems, self-assembling inorganic
aggregates, and hierarchically emergent phenomena. We also provide
a roadmap for combining self-organization and active motion and discuss
possible outcomes through biological analogs. We suggest that this
research direction, deeply rooted in physical chemistry, offers opportunities
for further development with broad impacts on related sciences and