“…Other terms refer more specifically to the negative influences of other customers, such as “negative CCI” (Nicholls, 2020), “other-customer service failure” (Baker and Kim, 2018), “other-customer misbehavior” (Huang et al , 2010), “customer-to-customer rage” (Dorsey et al , 2016), “dysfunctional customer behavior” (Harris and Reynolds, 2003) and “disruptive customer behavior” (Hoffman and Lee, 2014). In addition to varied terms, this literature stream includes research efforts devoted to the categorization of CCI (Nicholls, 2020; Zhang et al , 2010), its drivers and outcomes (Heinonen et al , 2018), customer roles (Camelis et al , 2013) and the influence of the servicescape on CCI (Furrer et al , 2023; Moore et al , 2005).…”