“…They are increasingly challenged to effectively respond to the high variability of consumers' demands and expectations (Fornasiero and Zangiacomi, 2013). In spite of their well-recognised expertise, specialisation and flexibility, SMEs have unique characteristics and limitations which impede their capacity to up-to-date their learning (Strobel and Kratzer, 2017;Rangus and Slavec, 2017;Gray, 2006). The survival of SMEs depends, to a large extent, on their capacity to effectively learn (Onkelinx, Manolova and Edelman, 2016;Burcharth, Lettl and Ulhøi, 2015;Rezaei, Ortt and Trott, 2015) and share their high level of tacit knowledge (Kang and Lee, 2017;Knoppen, Sáenz and Johnston, 2011) in order to better respond to their rapidly changing manufacturing operations (MacBryde, Pato and Clegg, 2013) and environments (Raymond et al, 2016;Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000).…”