Detachment of epithelial cells from matrix or attachment to an inappropriate matrix engages an apoptotic response known as anoikis, which prevents metastasis. Cellular sensitivity to anoikis is compromised during the oncogenic epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), through unknown mechanisms. We report here a pathway through which EMT confers anoikis resistance. NRAGE (neurotrophin receptor-interacting melanoma antigen) interacted with a component of the E-cadherin complex, ankyrin-G, maintaining NRAGE in the cytoplasm. Oncogenic EMT downregulated ankyrin-G, enhancing the nuclear localization of NRAGE. The oncogenic transcriptional repressor protein TBX2 interacted with NRAGE, repressing the tumor suppressor gene p14ARF. P14ARF sensitized cells to anoikis; conversely, the TBX2/NRAGE complex protected cells against anoikis by downregulating this gene. This represents a novel pathway for the regulation of anoikis by EMT and E-cadherin.Metastatic tumor cells survive detachment from their extracellular matrix of origin and/or attachment to inappropriate matrices for extended periods of time, conditions that engage an apoptotic response known as anoikis in normal cells. Tumor cell resistance to anoikis is driven by (epi)genetic alterations or aberrant signaling responses that occur uniquely in the tumor microenvironment, leading to constitutive activation of integrin/growth factor signaling and inactivation of the core apoptotic machinery (23, 27, 28, 30-32, 76, 87).The oncogenic epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is thought to play an important role in tumor progression (46,88,91). The focus of the present study was to understand the molecular basis of the tight correlation between anoikis resistance and the oncogenic EMT (31,51,54,68,89). A common hallmark of EMT is the breakdown of E-cadherin expression or function (103), which suffices to circumvent anoikis in some contexts. For example, the targeted knockout of the E-cadherin gene in a mouse mammary tumor model or the stable knockdown of E-cadherin in a mammary epithelial cell line confers anoikis resistance (19,68). This implies that EMTpromoting transcription factors such as ZEB1/2, Snail1/2 and Twist can abrogate anoikis both by directly regulating apoptosis control genes and by suppressing E-cadherin expression, the latter triggering signaling events-to be addressed here-that control other apoptosis regulatory genes (46,53,75,85,89,92).Ankyrin-G plays a critical role in linking the actin cytoskeleton to the cell membrane and in the biogenesis of the lateral membrane domain of epithelial cells. The N-terminal ankyrin repeat domain interacts with E-cadherin, linking the latter to the cytoskeleton via interaction with spectrin complexes. Accordingly, ankyrin-G localizes primarily to adherens junctions (50,65,73). In addition, ankyrin-G contains two domains, a death domain and a ZU-5 domain, whose homologues in other proteins regulate apoptosis (99, 101). The downregulation of the ankyrin-G gene (ank3) correlates with poor prognosis in diverse human...