We establish the unique solvability of a coupling problem for entire functions that arises in inverse spectral theory for singular second-order ordinary differential equations/two-dimensional first-order systems and is also of relevance for the integration of certain nonlinear wave equations.Keywords Coupling problem for entire functions · Unique solvability · Inverse spectral theory Mathematics Subject Classification Primary 30D20, 34A55 · Secondary 34B05, 37K15
ResultsLet σ be a discrete set of nonzero real numbers such that the sumCommunicated by Arno Kuijlaars. For a given sequence η ∈R σ (referred to as coupling constants or data), where we denote byR = R∪{∞} the one-point compactification of R, we consider the following task.
Coupling problem(G) Growth and positivity condition:Let us first assume that the pair ( − , + ) is a solution of the coupling problem with data η. The growth and positivity condition (G) means that the function Upon invoking the open mapping theorem, this first of all guarantees that all zeros of the functions − and + are real. It furthermore entails that the zeros of the function in the numerator of (3) and the zeros of the function in the denominator of (3) are interlacing (after possible cancelations); see [29, Theorem 27.2.1]. From this we may conclude that the functions − and + are actually of genus zero and satisfy the boundIndeed, this inequality follows essentially from roughly estimating the individual factors in the corresponding Hadamard representation, with the normalization condition (N) taken into account, and employing the interlacing property mentioned above.1 To be precise, this condition has to be read as + (λ) = 0 whenever η(λ) = ∞. We should emphasize here that this upper bound is always independent of the actual coupling constants η. On the other hand, the condition (G) also tells us that the residues of the function in (3) at all poles are negative. In conjunction with the coupling condition (C), this impliesfor all those λ ∈ σ for which the coupling constant η(λ) is finite. Unless it happens that λ is a zero of the function + , this constitutes a necessary restriction on the sign of the coupling constant η(λ) in order for a solution of the coupling problem to exist. Roughly speaking, the coupling constants are expected to have alternating signs beginning with nonnegative ones for those corresponding to the smallest (in modulus) positive and negative element of σ . Motivated by these considerations and the nature of our applications, we introduce the following terminology.Definition Coupling constants η ∈R σ are called admissible if the inequalityholds for all those λ ∈ σ for which η(λ) is finite.The main purpose of the present article is to prove that this simple condition is sufficient to guarantee unique solvability of the corresponding coupling problem.
Theorem (Existence and Uniqueness) If the coupling constants η ∈R σ are admissible, then the coupling problem with data η has a unique solution.Apart from this result, we will also establish the fact ...