Gu 8Ib, He 82b, Mu 82a, Sc 8Ib,c, Wi 82). The open circles indicate the experimental T"c values for 236U, 240pU, 250Cf as well as for a number of even A isotopes of Fm and element 104. Further details are the same as in the left-hand part of the figure..... N ~ :I . ~ t ~ [ ~ :I. ~ ~ ~ .., t Recently it has been found (Dc 84b) that the even-even millisecond isotope 26°106 also possesses quite a strong alpha-decay branch. The partial spontaneous fission half-life of 26°106 has been estimated to be 5 X 10-3 S or more; this 1',,[ value is not smaller than that of the isotope 256 104. See also Note added in proof.t The normalization of the liquid-drop model expression for 1',,[ = f( x) is achieved by an appropriate choice, for 236U, of the average value of the hydrodynamic effective inertia along the fission trajectory; then, in passing to heavier nuclei, this value is scaled in accordance with a "hydrodynamic" factor A 5 / 3 So, an attempt to compensate an underestimate of 1',,[ of the order of 10 15 at the expense of the effective inertia alone would signify a need for increasing the latter by tens of times in passing from 236U to 262 107, where the total number of nucleons A increases by 10% only.