Purpose. The main purpose of the work is estimating and predicting ecological state of the atmosphere air on the territory of iron-ore mine.Methods. Laboratory research and biological estimation of the atmosphere state in the area of mine location were executed with the help of physical-chemical analysis and biological testing. Standard technique for calculating harmful substances concentrations in the atmosphere air has been used for identifying specifics of dissipation of ecologically hazardous substances in the atmosphere from the ventilation shaft of iron-ore mine.Findings. As a result of the executed research into ecological condition of the atmosphere air in the vicinity of the iron-ore mine located within the city, we have revealed regularities of ground level concentration changes of ecologically hazardous substances depending on the distance to emission source. It is discovered that the conditional index of bioindicators damageability changes with increase of distance from the mine ventilation shaft. It is determined how the conditional index of bioindicators damageability relates to hazard index which helps to determine bioindicators damage levels at different distances from emission sources, both during the usage of trotylbased and emulsion explosives.Originality. Consists in establishing dependence of ground level concentrations of ecologically hazardous substances influence on the levels of bioindicators damageability at cellular and organismal levels, which will allow to estimate ecological condition of the atmosphere air on the territories adjacent to the mine.
Practical implications.Regularities of ground level concentrations of hazardous substances impact on the condition of indicating systems at various levels of their organization are established. It allows to estimate the state of environment and to increase reliability of local environmental monitoring in the area of iron-ore mine location.
Keywords: physical-chemical analysis, biological testing, ground level concentration of ecologically hazardous substances, conditional index of bioindicators damageability, ecological state of the atmosphere
ВВЕДЕНИЕГорнорудная промышленность Украины имеет мощный горнодобывающий потенциал и занимает одно из ведущих мест среди стран европейского сою-за по добыче железных руд. Украина входит в число ведущих минерально-сырьевых государств мира, которая занимает всего 0.4 % земной суши и имеет в своих недрах 5% минерально-сырьевого потенциала. В Украине разведано 49 месторождений железных руд, общие запасы которых свыше 28 млрд т, что составляет порядка 8 -9% от мировых.Наиболее значимыми месторождениями железной руды в Украине являются Криворожский железоруд-ный бассейн, Кременчугский железорудный район, Белозерский железорудный район, Конкский район магнитных аномалий, Приднепровский железорудный район, Приазовский железорудный район, Одесско-Белоцерковский железорудный район и Керченский железорудный бассейн. Из выше перечисленных ме-сторождений железных руд в настоящее время откры-тым и подземным ...