However, surfaces with a high contact angle (CA > 150°) can also exhibit "sticky" behavior characterized by high CAH; such surfaces are termed parahydrophobic. [7] A rose petal is a prime example exhibiting such parahydrophobic behavior; this socalled petal effect [8] has attracted significant research attention [7] in an attempt to understand this somewhat puzzling wetting state.Research over the last two decades has led to noteworthy progress in the synthesis of functional surfaces inspired by nature. [9] Self-cleaning surfaces inspired by the lotus leaf [10] have potential applications in enhancing the efficiency of solar cells, reducing surface drag, enhancing fluidic transport, and preventing water corrosion of batteries and fuel cells. [5] Surfaces exhibiting the petal effect have been proposed for separation processes [11] and collection of water via directional liquid transport. [12][13][14] It has also been recently demonstrated that parahydrophobic surfaces are ideal for facilitating bubble nucleation and departure during boiling. [15,16] Models of the wetting state are typically used to design surface topologies that provide the desired wetting characteristics. [17] Unlike the lotus leaf, for which the wetting state has been confirmed and is well accepted, [4] a recent review of the current understanding of parahydrophobic surfaces reveals a lack of experimental evidence to confirm the postulated wetting states on the rose petal. [7] As the surface morphology of natural surfaces is typically complex, and the features themselves delicate, it is difficult to obtain an accurate characterization of the microscopic wetting state. The existing explanation of the petal effect is based on a partially wetting "Cassie-impregnating" state. [7] The Cassieimpregnating wetting state is adapted to the dual-scale surface features of the rose petal, [18] namely, microscale papillae (bumps) with nanoscale striae (folds) [18] on top of each micropapilla. [19] Water droplets on the petal are thought to penetrate the gap between micro-papillae but not wet the nanoscale features. Although it was postulated that high apparent CA and high adhesion exhibited by surfaces could be explained by a mixed wetting state, [20] there has been no direct experimental evidence or visualization of these hypothesized wetting states on a rose petal. One recent study visualized the wetting state on a rose petal using top-down optical microscopy, [21] and postulated the trapping of air at the surface; however, it is difficult to view the liquid-air and liquid-solid interfaces underneath the droplet using this technique. Progress has been made on visualizing the liquid-air and liquid-solid interfaces between and below condensing droplets [22,23] and moving droplets [24] on microstructured surfaces using scanning electron microscopy (SEM).The rose petal features surface structures that offer unique wetting properties. A water droplet placed on a rose petal forms a high contact angle but exhibits significant contact angle hysteresis, such that re...