DOI: 10.3233/jae-131681
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The investigation on the optimal design of rectangular PECT probes for evaluation of defects in conductive structures

Abstract: Pulsed Eddy Current Testing (PECT) is one of the advanced Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (ENDE) technology. In applications for crack detection and evaluation, rectangular probes are found superior to the cylindrical ones in terms of the directional characteristics and capability of creating uniform eddy current distributions. In this paper, in a bid to investigate the influence of parameters of a rectangular probe on inspection sensitivity and seek the optimal probe structure, a numerical model for… Show more

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Cited by 12 publications
(5 citation statements)
References 16 publications
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“…Zhou 10 et al used COMSOL finite element software to establish a rectangular differential probe finite element simulation model for aluminum, iron, and carbon fiber, which concluded that the differential probe has a better detection effect for surface defects of the three materials. Zhou 11 et al used COMSOL finite element software to establish a simulation model of rectangular probe pulse eddy current detection, which analyzed the relationship between the size of the rectangular probe and the sensitivity of the detection system. Yang 12 et al used ANSYS finite element simulation software to establish three different probe simulation models for non-ferromagnetic materials, which showed that the probe with ferrite core has more concentrated and better detection effect.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Zhou 10 et al used COMSOL finite element software to establish a rectangular differential probe finite element simulation model for aluminum, iron, and carbon fiber, which concluded that the differential probe has a better detection effect for surface defects of the three materials. Zhou 11 et al used COMSOL finite element software to establish a simulation model of rectangular probe pulse eddy current detection, which analyzed the relationship between the size of the rectangular probe and the sensitivity of the detection system. Yang 12 et al used ANSYS finite element simulation software to establish three different probe simulation models for non-ferromagnetic materials, which showed that the probe with ferrite core has more concentrated and better detection effect.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Darco et al [22] performed finiteelement analysis of the nondestructive testing of ferromagnetic tubes and thoroughly analyzed the effect of the excitation frequency and the distance between the coils on the detected signal sensitivity to the tube properties. Zhou et al [23] built up a 3D finite element model and investigated the influence of parameters of a rectangular probe on the inspection sensitivity by using COMSOL Multiphysics. The numerical simulation method is convenient to obtain numerical solution of the complex models, however, the numerical model needs to be verified by the analytical expression or experiment before studying the mechanism of ECT.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In a bid to exploit those advantages, FEM was used to find the optimal probe design for coaxially coupled and driving pickup coil [18]. FEM has also been applied to find the ideal rectangular coil dimensions for conductivity evaluation [19]. Aside from that, generated estimates from FEM have also been used to be compared with developed analytical solutions to model the transient response of an encircling coil around a ferromagnetic conducting rod [20].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%