Nocardia salmonicolor, grown on acetate, commercial D,L-lactate or hydrocarbon substrates, has high isocitrate lyase activities compared with those resulting from growth on other carbon sources. This presumably reflects the anaplerotic role of the glyoxylate cycle during growth on the former substrates. Amongst a variety of compounds tested, including glucose, pyruvate and tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates, only succinate and fumarate prevented an increase in enzyme activity in the presence of acetate. When acetate (equimolar to the initial sugar concentration) was added to cultures growing on glucose, there followed de novo synthesis of isocitrate lyase and isocitrate dehydrogenase, with increases in growth rate and glucose utilization, and both acetate and glucose were metabolized simultaneously. A minute amount of acetate (40 ,LAM) caused isocitrate lyase synthesis (a three-fold increase in activity within 3 min of addition) when added to glucose-limited continuous cultures, but even large amounts added to nitrogen-limited batch cultures were ineffective. Malonate, at a concentration that was not totally growth-inhibitory (I mM) prevented the inhibition of acetate-stimulated isocitrate lyase synthesis by succinate, but fumarate still inhibited in the presence of malonate. Phosphoenolpyruvate is a noncompetitive inhibitor of the enzyme (apparent Ki 1-7 mM).The results are consistent with the induction of isocitrate lyase synthesis by acetate or a closely related metabolite, and catabolite repression by a C-4 acid of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, possibly fumarate.
I N T R O D U C T I O NFor Escherichia coli, there is strong evidence that both the synthesis and activity of threo-D,-isocitrate lyase are controlled by the cytoplasmic concentration of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) or a closely related metabolite. PEP is a non-competitive inhibitor of the enzyme and may itself be the repressor metabolite (Kornberg, 1966). It is not surprising that PEP should have this role since it may be regarded as a major end-product of the glyoxylate cycle and the starting material for the synthesis of many compounds. Under conditions where the anaplerotic role of the glyoxylate cycle is unnecessary in this organism, such as growth on C-3, C-4 or C-6 compounds, high levels of PEP in the cytoplasm might be expected.Evidence for this control mechanism in other microbes, particularly Achromobacter sp., Acinetobacter sp. and Neurospora crassa is more equivocal. Synthesis of isocitrate lyase was not inhibited by the presence of succinate in cultures of Achromobacter d-15 growing on acetate (Rosenberger, 1962). Also, the presence of acetate in cultures growing on succinate caused enzyme synthesis. These results were quite different from those obtained with E. coli and Rosenberger interpreted them as an apparent inductive effect of acetate. However, isocitrate lyase synthesis is rapid during growth of this micro-organism on C-3 compounds