RAESIDE, J. I., AND HOWELES, G . A. The isogation and identification of androstenedioi sulfate from spermatic vein blood and testes of the boar. Can. J. Biochern. 49, 80-84 (1971).A method is described for the extraction and purification of steroid sulfates from testicdar tissues and blood of the boar. Androsteraediol sulfate (3b91'9S-dihydroxy-5-andPo9tene 3-sulfate) was isolated from extracts of both spermatic vein blood and boar testis. Final identification was achieved by infrared spectroscopy, as the ammsnium salt of androstenediol 3-sulfate 17-acetate. Additional evidence of identity was obtained with the 3-monosulfate of androstenediol-7a-"H as an internal standard in several chromatographic systems for steroid sulfates, and for free steroids after hydrolysis. Androstenediol sulfate was not detected in peripheral or spermatic arterial blood, and it was concluded that andrsstenediol sulfate is a major secretory product of the boar testis. RAESIDE, J. I., ET MOWELIS, G. A. m e isolation and identification of androstenediol sulfate from spermatic vein blood and testes of the boar. Can. 3. Biochem. 49, 80-84 (19'71).Ce travail decrit une mdthode d'extraetion et de purification des sulfates de stkroldes B partir de tissus testiculaires et de sang de samglier. Ee sulfate d9androstenediol (3D,1918-dihydroxy-5-androst6ne 3-sulfate) a Ct C isole a partir d9extraits de sang de veine spermatique et de testicule de sanglier. E9identification finale a Ctk effectuke par spectroscopic infrarouge; il s'agit de l'androstdndiol 3-sulfate 17-acktate sous forme de sel d9arnmonium. Cette identit6 a 6tk vkrifike en outre par un standard de rkfkrence, B e 3-monosulfate d'androst&nediol-701-~H, utiIis6 dans plusieurs systemes chromatographiques pour les sulfates de st6rofdes et pour les stkoides Iibres apres hydrolyse, be sulfate d9androstenedioI n'ayant pas Ct C dkele au niveau du sang pCripherique ou de 19artkre spermatique il est conch que Ie sulfate d9androstenediol est un produit de s6crktion majeur du testicule de sanglier.
Inbodnetionsulfate from the testes and spermatic vein blood Testosterone has been isolated from the boar testis (1) and spermatic vein blood (21, in which dehydroepiandrosterone s u l f a t e b a s detected also (31, Subsequently, dehydroepisandrosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate were isolated from the testes and the spermatic vein plasma of a boar receiving human chorica;nZc gonadotrophin $4). Testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate appeared to be the most important steroids in both testes and spermatic vein plasma.A preliminary report from our laboratory suggested that androstenediol sulfate was quantitatively a more important csmpsund in the spermatic vein blood of the boar (5). Since androstenediol sulfate may serve as a precursor of testosterone (6) and androstenediol has androgenic activity of its own (' 71, we wish to report the isolation and identification of andrsstenedisl 'This research was supported by the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food.following trivial names have...