Eleven glucose-fermenting Mycoplasma strains isolated h m the cervix region of mares exhibited serological properties which distinguished them from strains of the presently known Mycoplasma species. From the results obtained by growth inhibition, metabolic inhibition, indirect-immunofluorescence, and double-immunodiffUsion tests, it can be concluded that these strains belong to a new species, for which the name Mycoplasma equigenitalium is proposed. The type strain of M. equigenitalim is T37 ( = ATCC 29869 = NCTC 10176).Mycoplasmas and acholeplasmas have been reported to be present in the respiratory tract (1,2,6, 14, 18,20,24), the genital organs (15,20), the conjunctivae (20), and the joints (6) of horses. Mycoplasmas and acholeplasmas have also been encountered in aborted horse fetuses (13, 16) and in stallion semen (7,8).To date, a total of 10 distinct Mycoplusmatales species have been found in horses: Acholeplasma laidlawii, A. oculi, A. granularum, A. axanthum, A. equifetak, A. hippikon (lla, 12), Mycoplasma pulmonis, M. felis, M. bovigenitalium, and M. equirhinis, a recently described species from the respiratory tract of horses (1).The present report deals with the characterization and identification of 11 Mycoplasma strains previously isolated from the cervix region of mares (15).
MATERIALS AND METHODSMycoplasma strains. The 11 Mycoplasma strains used in this study (T33, T37, T84, T121, T122, T145, T199, T267, T270, T344, and T349) were obtained from cotton swabbings of the cervix region of mares (15). The isolates were each cloned three times by picking single colonies. The fluid culture was passed through a filter with an average pore diameter of 450 nm, and dilutions of the filtrate were plated on a solid medium to produce well-separated colonies.Culture media; The strains were cultivated in a medium of the following composition: heart infusion broth (Oxoid), 720 ml, unheated horse serum, 200 ml, 25% (wt/vol) fresh yeast extract, 10 d, deoxyribonucleic acid (Sigma Chemical Co.), 0.02 g; 1.25% (wt/vol) thallium acetate, 10 ml; and penicillin, 2 X 10' IU.Solid medium was prepared by adding 10 g of agar (Oxoid) to the fluid medium.Morphological studies. Colonies were examined with a stereo microscope (Leitz). Cells from broth cultures were examined by dark-field and phase-contrast microscopy (Leitz).Filtration characteristics. Filterability of the strains was determined by using Swinnex-25 adapters and membrane filters (Millipore Corp.) with a pore diameter of 450 or 200 run.Reversion experiments. The strains were passaged seven consecutive times on substrate without penicillin and thallium acetate. Passages one to five, inclusive, were performed on solid media by sliding inverted agar blocks across the agar surfaces. In the sixth passage, the agar blocks were inoculated into noninhibiting fluid medium and, after incubation, the organisms were examined by dark-field microscopy. The seventh passage was made on solid medium. Differentiation of acholeplasmas from mycoplasmas. Inhibition of growth by sodi...