“…Criteria of eligible phage candidates have been extensively discussed and, although estimates of index values vary among groups, there’s a general consensus that the key features that must be characterized include: host species, complete genome sequence (to exclude or to allow modification of phages with known integration/toxic/resistance genes), host range testing, and high lytic activity ( Gill and Hyman, 2010 ; Letarov and Kulikov, 2018 ; Merabishvili et al, 2018 ). Some other factors such as high yield, identified receptor, morphology, anti-biofilm activity, low resistance induction, stability during storage, and pre-clinical evaluation (e.g., safety, efficacy, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, human immune responses) are generally considered to be important during optimization of phages for therapeutics ( Malik et al, 2017 ; D´abrowska and Abedon, 2019 ; Hesse and Adhya, 2019 ; Kortright et al, 2019 ; Yerushalmy et al, 2020 ).…”