Scientific understanding has rapidly expanded in the new biological age,
with the rapid advancement of genomic science and molecular biology, It is a challenge
to reintegrate the enormous quantity of information and data that was generated from
works related to genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics in order to
effectively explain the organism and connect molecular processes with higher-level
biological phenomena. Scientific understanding has expanded quickly in the new
biological age due to the rapid advancement of genomic science and molecular biology.
This inspired contemporary interest in systems biology, which investigates organisms
as integrated systems made up of dynamic and interconnected genetic, protein,
metabolic, and cellular components using biology, mathematics, biophysics,
biochemistry, bioinformatics, and computer science. Systems biology is the key
concept underlying Physiome, a mathematical measure of how an organism functions
in normal and pathologic states which is based on morphome. The simulation models
based on mathematical expressions and physics can aid in the interpretation and
encapsulation of biological phenomena in a computable and repeatable manner.
Researchers have created tools and standards to allow the reproducibility and reuse of
mathematical models of biological systems, as well as tools and guidelines to promote
semantic representation of computational models and repositories where models can be
archived, shared, and discovered.