Numerical methods today play a useful and important role in solving various problems related to fracture mechanics including modeling crack propagation, fretting fatigue and cohesion... Furthermore, these methods have been widely used to solve problems in linear and nonlinear fracture mechanics in cases of elastic, plastic fracture problems. The evaluation of stress intensity factor in 2D and 3D geometries, thus these techniques widely used for non-standard crack configurations. The objective of this work is study the effects of the crack length and the number of structural elements on the two crack parameters such as the stress intensity factor KI and KII and the contour integral (J). As well as presenting a numerical modeling of crack propagation, for a LEHIM (Linear Elastic Homogeneous Isotopic Material) with mechanical characteristics by the method SFEMD (Stretching Finite Element Method Developed), the model chosen with quadratic elements with 4 nodes (CPE4). However, this method is based on the effect of the number of contours and the number of elements around the crack tip on the variation of the stress intensity factors. In addition, the crack propagation criterion (MCSC) was used, a computer program was created in FORTRAN language to develop and evaluate the stress intensity factors and the contour integral (J). Several examples of crack lengths a = 0.7, 1.4, 2.1, 2.8 and 3.5 mm were used. Additionally, the number of items has been changed several times. The stress intensity factors of modes I and II and direction angles (α) are calculated to solve the problem using the ABAQUS finite element code. The results obtained by the SFEMD method and the results of the analytical method are very close.