As the first step in a study of the lattice L(F ) of pseudovarieties of finite semigroups that attempts to take full advantage of the underlying lattice structure, Auinger, Hall and the present authors recently introduced fourteen complete congruences on L(F ). Such congruences provide a framework from which to study L(F ) both locally and globally. For each such congruence ρ and each U ∈ L(F ) the ρ -class of U is an interval [U ρ , U ρ ]. This provides a family of operators of the form U → U ρ on L(F ) that reveal important relationships between elements of L(F ). Various aspects of these operators are considered including characterizations of U ρ , bases of pseudoidentities for U ρ , instances of commutativity (U ρ ) σ = (U σ ) ρ , as well as the semigroups generated by certain pairs of such operators.