We present a first-principles approach to describe electronic transport of disordered alloys in a material specific way. The electronic structure is represented in terms of the relativistic multiple scattering KKR-Green function. Disorder with possible inclusion of short-ranged order effects is taken into account by the coherent-potential approximation or its nonlocal formulation. A salient feature of the presented method is the possibility to combine it with a linear response Kubo framework, allowing for a detailed investigation of many transport phenomena which are of immediate relevance for applications in which electrons and/or their spin are manipulated. This is illustrated by several examples and developments, among them the description of the residual resistivity of Kstate-and ferromagnetic alloys. Inclusion of relativistic effects by using the Dirac-formalism represents the basis to deal with the anomalous Hall effect and to derive a relativistic spinprojection scheme for currents.