Abstract. This paper defines a group B(Mn, vv) which generalizes the group of framed homotopy zz-spheres in Sn*k. Let M" be an arbitrary 1-connected manifold satisfying a weak condition on its homology in the middle dimension and let v" be the normal bundle of some imbedding ■ T(v0) is a map which is transverse regular on M, V = F~1(Mn), and f=F\V is a homotopy equivalence, (r^) is the Thorn complex of v0.) There is a natural group structure on 0(M", vv), and 6(Mn, v") fits into an exact sequence similar to that for the framed homotopy zz-spheres.This paper attempts to generalize in a natural way a well-known exact sequence concerning framed homotopy spheres which is contained in the work of Novikov [11], , and Levine [10]. The author stumbled onto these results partly because of his efforts to prove imbedding theorems for manifolds in the metastable range, and partly because of his recent work on Browder-Novikov theory for maps of degree d, \d\^0 (see [2]).§2 describes the basic constructions used in this paper. The "group of embedded manifolds", 8(M, v0), is defined in §3. A fairly simple description ofthat group is given towards the end of that section. §3 also contains the main results about 8(M, Vq). In §4 we discuss a few interesting open problems. The author would like to thank the referee for some helpful suggestions.1. Notation. All manifolds will be C", compact, and oriented. Maps will be transverse to boundaries.If Mn is a connected closed manifold, let [M]eHnM denote the orientation class. Recall that/: Vn-^Mn is said to have degree d, i.e., deg/=c7, iff*([V}) = d [M], where/*: HnV^-HnM is the map induced by/on the integral homology groups.As usual, Dk denotes the closed unit ball in Euclidean zc-space Rk, i.e., Dk = {(yx,...,yk)eRk\y2+---+yl^l}. Sk = 8Dk + 1 = Dk+ U Dk_, where D% ={(yi,---,yk + i)eRk + 1\y2x+---+y2k+x = l,yaO} and Dk.={(yx,..., yk + x) eRk+1 \y\+---+yl + x = l,yxúO}. We have natural inclusions Sk^Sk+1 and DkçDk + 1. Lete = (l,0)eS°^Sk.