“…edu/DominicDAgostino, in order to increase brain endurance for deep see diving, without the onset of seizure activity. The benefits of ketogenic diets are profound and are palliative to the most significant pandemic causes of degenerative diseases today: a. Anti-inflammatory properties [8] b. Protects the Pancreas by sparing the use of Insulin, preventing Diabetes, Hypoglycemia and Metabolic Syndrome [5,6] c. Are neuro-protective and neurotrophic, preventing brain and nervous system degeneration [9][10][11] d. Promotes increased oxygenation, which is protective to all cellular tissues [12] e. Improves ATP production at the mitochondrial level [1,12] f. Aids in the Repair of DNA by preventing cancer [1,8,12] g. Slows aging by promoting elongations of telomeres h. Increases Glutathione production vital for Liver, Brain and Gut protection [1] i. Cardio-protective by increasing HDL, reducing LDL, VLDL [4] The ability to implement a ketogenic lifestyle has become 1000 times easier since this exogenous ketone supplement product has arrived on the scene [13]. It successfully induces nutritional ketosis within 20-40 min of consuming it.…”