“… Operations Management Research | | | | 2016 | Carbone V., Moatti V. | Supply Chain Forum | | | |
2016 | Foerstl, K., Kirchoff, J.F., Bals, L. | International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management | | X | |
2016 | Foster, K. | Journal of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management | | X | |
2016 | Fratocchi, L., Ancarani, A., Barbieri, P., Di Mauro, C., Nassimbeni, G., Sartor, M., Vignoli, M., Zanoni, A. | International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management | Differences based on size | X | |
2016 | Huq, F., Pawar, K.S., Rogers, H. | Production Planning and Control | | X | |
2016 | Joubioux, C., Vanpoucke, E. | Operations Management Research | | | |
2016 | Lavissière, A., Mandják, T., Fedi, L. | Supply Chain Forum | | X | |
2016 | Młody, M. | Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review | | X | |
2016 | Moradlou, H., Backhouse, C.J. | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture | | X | |
2016 | Presley, A., Meade, L., Sarkis, J. |